Family Connections
Since we raise all of our own replacement heifers at Witter, many of the girls in our herd are related. On this page you will find family trees and other information that demonstrate some family ties.
Family Trees
These family trees will show you how some of our cows and heifers are related. You will also find other interesting information on the trees, such as classification scores. The following guide will help you understand what the different colors, symbols, and numbers mean:
-Follow the lines from right to left-they lead you to the offspring of the previously listed cow (i.e. the line from Tiptoe to Tulip indicates that Tulip is Tiptoe's daughter).
-Color Key-
A name in blue means that this cow is currently part of the herd at the J.F. Witter Teaching & Research Center
A name in red denotes the name of a sire, or father.
A name in green indicates a cow that was previously part of the Witter herd but is not currently (i.e. sold, passed away)
A name in pink indicates a cow that was not bred by the University but may have been part of the herd briefly or gave birth to a university bred cow.
The numbers in brown tell you a cow's classification score (see the definitions page for more information on classification).
-The numbers listed on top of any of the names (will have a # sign in front) tell you the cow's identification number within the Witter herd. When you visit the farm, you will see that the cows have tags listing these numbers.
The words written in black above the colored names list the animal's registered name. This name includes the breeding farm's prefix (Ours is UM), and often the name of the sire and/or the name of the dam.
-Birthdates are listed below some names, as well as death dates (i.e. b. 1/1/00- d. 1/12/10)
-Follow the lines from right to left-they lead you to the offspring of the previously listed cow (i.e. the line from Tiptoe to Tulip indicates that Tulip is Tiptoe's daughter).
-Color Key-
A name in blue means that this cow is currently part of the herd at the J.F. Witter Teaching & Research Center
A name in red denotes the name of a sire, or father.
A name in green indicates a cow that was previously part of the Witter herd but is not currently (i.e. sold, passed away)
A name in pink indicates a cow that was not bred by the University but may have been part of the herd briefly or gave birth to a university bred cow.
The numbers in brown tell you a cow's classification score (see the definitions page for more information on classification).
-The numbers listed on top of any of the names (will have a # sign in front) tell you the cow's identification number within the Witter herd. When you visit the farm, you will see that the cows have tags listing these numbers.
The words written in black above the colored names list the animal's registered name. This name includes the breeding farm's prefix (Ours is UM), and often the name of the sire and/or the name of the dam.
-Birthdates are listed below some names, as well as death dates (i.e. b. 1/1/00- d. 1/12/10)
All of the following family trees are interactive, and can be accessed simply by clicking on them! Each "Prezi Presentation" represents a cow family. Please feel free to zoom in and out and look around at the family histories here at Witter Farm!